304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

 Bulletproof Vest Supplier Ballistic Jacket Full Body Armor Neck Crotch Protection




לישראל אספקה תוך 3 ימים

Ceramic/composite armor plates are placed in body armor plate carriers and worn to protect against bullets, projectiles, fragmentation/shrapnel and stab threats. Composite armor plates are lighter, thicker and more flexible than steel plates. Most ceramic/composite body armor plates cannot withstand multiple hits to the same area. Composite/ceramic armor has a shorter shelf life and are less durable than traditional steel plates.

מידע נוסף

Plug :

512 GB UK Plug, 512 GB EU Plug, 512 GB US Plug, 512 GB AU Plug


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